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Donating Money:  MATS donations go directly to providing scholarships for young athletes. You can donate to the organization below using your credit card or the PayPal link.




PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Volunteering Time: Want to make a difference in your community? If you are a member of the gym, please talk to Alan (email) or Mike (email). If you are from outside of our gym community, please email us here

Become a Partner

Becoming A Partner Gym Or Organization: 

MATS is expanding and adding gym and community partners so we can support and offer our programs to young adults throughout the Bay Area and potentially elsewhere. There are plenty of places where you can send a check and feel good but working with MATS offers a chance to be directly involved in changing a life for the better.


Please email us if you'd like to learn more about becoming a business or gym partner.

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